Member Information > Troop policies > Mobiles
In order to prevent various problems with mobile phones, there is now a policy over mobiles being used by Scouts.
Such possible problems include the intrusion of phone calls at inappropriate times during scout activities or meetings and the possibility of the phone's camera being used, also inappropriately. A conversation over the phone could be considered as similar intrusion as having the person present. It distracts not only the mobile owner, but often other Scouts around.
This policy follows discussion with leaders in other Troops that maintain a similar policy.
1. In general, Scouts may not use mobiles for any purpose during Troop activities, including meetings and camps, without permission.
2. We ask that parents (and others) do not phone scouts during meetings etc. Calls about car lifts can be left to the end.
3. Of course there can be exceptions, such as for urgent information, but in that case Scouts should go out of the meeting room.
4. Mobile phones that are being taken on camps etc must be registered via the "Health and Permission Form".
5. If a Scout wishes to use the phone as a camera, then permission should be sought from leaders, in the same way as we would expect Scouts bringing cameras to do.
6. The Troop cannot accept responsibility for damage to mobile phones or other electronic devices.