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Items that do not fit in anywhere else on these web pages, but should fit in your pack for camps.


Every Scout needs one at every camp. Currently head torches are popular and rightly so. They leave hands free and generally are less easily lost while in use: they need not be put down. Camps can mean hard and long wear for a torch, so it must be up to the job.

LED torches. They use very little power and generally the LED "light bulb" should last the life of the torch and is generally not replaceable. LEDs are still developing and getting cheaper, but many people think the advantages outweigh the cost. LED torches can get away with small batteries and so are lighter. They can have different power settings, so add to the greater efficiency as they can be turned up or down, depending on the light need.

Batteries. Dead batteries are no use at camps, and usually a spare set is a good idea, along with a spare bulb, if the old filament type. For a given brand and type, the larger the battery, the more energy it stores. Some cheap batteries store much less energy than better brands for the same size.

Looking after it. ... or how do you find your torch in the dark? Try some fluorescent tape, or a brightly coloured cord. Also, consider whether the torch might get turned on accidentally in a bag during transport. One possible solution is to take out batteries, or just put a bit of card over one end of a battery inside the torch.

When choosing a torch, look for weak points. Is it made out of cheap plastic, so will break if dropped? Head lamps generally swivel to point up or down. Are the hinges strong?

Over all recommendation: LED head torch with at least high and low power setting.


These should all be unbreakable, but labelled distinctively (name or etc)

Knife, fork, spoon. No need for a special camping set, but plastic utensils are likely to break. Combination utensils (sporks, folding) are not good. If they fold (like a penknife), they can harbour germs in the hinge and cavities.

Mug. A handled mug is better than a beaker, when hot drinks are in it. Plastic is better than metal: the latter conducts heat too easily and may be difficult to hold when hot.

Plate and bowl. The plate should be big enough for a dinner; the bowl for pud or cereal.

Lunch box and water bottle. These are needed for all-day activities and summer camp. Find out here