Member information > Badges
This section contains some information about some of badges that can be gained within the Troop.
In our Scout Troop there are two main types of badges awarded: challenge badges and activity badges.
The badges provide an incentive for Scouts to learn and develop skills. They also give a measure of the ability of scouts in particular skills and allow them to develop, at their own pace, the abilities needed to participate fully in the Troop activities.
These are awarded on completion of a series of activities (such as camping or hiking) and tests on a variety skills, from first aid, through pioneering and camping skills, to options for older scouts such as canoeing, rock climbing and backpacking.
There are a wide variety of Activity Badges, each covering a particular topic. Challenge badges Requirements for some of the Challenge badges Activity Badges Requirements and information for some Activity Badges
Activity badges that can be obtained in several stages with increasing requirements: e.g. Musician, Swimmer, IT. Group Badges: Badges that any member of the Group can obtain, such as Faith. Nights Away, Years and Hikes badges: badge given for the number of Nights at camps etc, for years in Scouting and number of scout hikes. Years and Nights are added from Beaver and Cub to those of Scout. There are minimum activity length for hikes and these can include such things as river canoe trip.
Every scout should aim to get this, the highest awarded badge in the scout section.
Scouts need a combination og Challenge and Activity badges. Details are discussed, along with goals to gain them, as scouts progress through the Troop.
Requirements for ALL badges are on Scout Association website, found via the Links Page and in the books present at each Troop meeting and Camp.
BEFORE starting on any badge, Aquila scouts should check with the leaders about WHAT is expected for each of the requirements.